Mission Bonita
Mission Bonita is a variety show spin-off from the children series “Miss Bonita and Friends”. Set in both the magical world of Miss Bonita and friends and reality with a group of characters and guests, the worlds collide, and the fun and craziness begin – but through it all lessons are learned, and everyone’s heart will be touched.
Recurring sketches include: Momo the Mood Reporter Guy, therapy calling service with Lisa and Bello, pranks, jokes and infomercials with the Evil King, real reaction videos with Jessie and Philip, Meme the Mystique’s ancient wisdom and techniques, Miss Bonita the star of the show bringing all the love and characters together and the famous Mission Bonita pledge… and you can’t have a show without some 70’s funk, unexpected guests, and much more!!!
Mission Bonita
Mission Bonita is a variety show spin-off from the children series “Miss Bonita and Friends”. Set in both the magical world of Miss Bonita and friends and reality with a group of characters and guests, the worlds collide, and the fun and craziness begin – but through it all lessons are learned, and everyone’s heart will be touched.
Recurring sketches include: Momo the Mood Reporter Guy, therapy calling service with Lisa and Bello, pranks, jokes and infomercials with the Evil King, real reaction videos with Jessie and Philip, Meme the Mystique’s ancient wisdom and techniques, Miss Bonita the star of the show bringing all the love and characters together and the famous Mission Bonita pledge… and you can’t have a show without some 70’s funk, unexpected guests, and much more!!!
Miss Bonita & Friends
Officially established in September 2013, Miss Bonita and Friends began with the mission to demonstrate to children that they have the power to choose, to create and contribute to their life journey and in effect influence their circumstances.
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The Global Initiative of Empowering Children
Sometimes sharing your story can help save someone’s life.